LEGO Finally Responds To Parents' Pain From Stepping On LEGOs

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If you have kids, you have probably experienced the unique pain of stepping on a LEGO. After years of listening to parents' tales of woe, LEGO has finally devised a solution: adult-sized LEGO slippers to protect your precious feet. 

This is no ordinary slipper, however. It was specially-designed to withstand even the toughest foe –– or a tiny LEGO brick. Unfortunately, the LEGO gods haven't smiled on American parents; these magical slippers will be randomly distributed to 1,500 people who create wish lists on the LEGO France website.  

If your college French is as rusty as mine, you probably won't be able to successfully navigate the French LEGO website to create a wish list, but I suspect there will be plenty of slippers available on eBay (at an astronomical markup) after the holidays. Happy holidays, indeed!

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